Arcaro Law Group

Attorney fees are the costs you pay your lawyer for representation. These expenses are different from court costs which are paid directly to the court for the creation of court cases. Florida does not provide family law litigants with court-appointed counsel in family law cases. In limited circumstances, a local legal service provider may provide representation in family cases. The Arcaro Law Group takes it’s pro bono commitment seriously and partners with local legal service providers to meet that commitment.

How Much Will it Cost?

Frequently clients look for “cheap divorce attorney in Fort Lauderdale” on the internet. While cost and value of legal fees are relative concepts, it’s important to find a competent lawyer you can afford. This frequently means that you should be realistic in setting your litigation budget and considering whether or not legal fees may be recovered in your case. Legal fees are based on a number of factors including the factual and legal complexity of your case, the timeline for representation, and the client’s desired outcome. In most family law cases, a party may be able to recover reasonable attorney fees based on demonstrating economic need and the other party’s ability to pay. We frequently work with clients to make representation affordable which may include payment plans.

Arcaro Law Group

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(954) 546-7280