Arcaro Law Group
  • Fort Lauderdale Divorce Attorney
    24 SE 20th St
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

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(954) 546-7280

Arcaro Law Group

Child abuse allegations frequently arise in child custody disputes. These allegations can range from criminal accusations such as child sexual abuse to neglect resulting from a parent’s substance abuse problems.

Looking into child abuse allegations, keeping your child safe, and helping you navigate time-sharing in light of abuse allegations are something key to our work at The Arcaro Law Group.

What Happens After Allegations Of Child Abuse?

Children who are suspected to have been abused, abandoned, or neglected are removed by The Department of Children and Families (DCF) in order to protect them from harm.

Allegations are investigated by the State and prosecuted in cases known as “child dependency proceedings.” Dependency proceedings are initiated to provide the parents with an opportunity to remedy their parenting problems and reunify with their children.

Alternatively, DCF may seek to terminate parental rights in cases where the children have been subjected to egregious abuse. Termination of parental rights would free the child for subsequent adoption. These are serious allegations, and reporting false allegations of abuse is a crime in Florida and can result in civil penalties.

Dependency proceedings can take months or even years before a child is returned to the care of their parents, depending on the parent’s ability to address the underlying concerns.

Alternatively, allegations of child abuse may be presented in the context of a child custody or time-sharing dispute and not reported to DCF. In those cases, the allegations are generally left to the court for resolution and do not involve DCF unless the allegations are also reported.

However, these allegations can significantly impact which parent receives responsibility for their child’s day-to-day care and the right to make major decisions in your child’s life.

Temporary Custody By An Extended Family Member

As an alternative to dependency proceedings, Florida law permits relatives of minor children to petition the court for an order of custody with the parents’ consent. In special cases, an order may be obtained even without parental consent if accusations merit an evidentiary hearing with the court.

There are distinct benefits to obtaining an order to Temporary Custody as opposed to pursuing dependency proceedings. Additionally, there are strategic considerations in choosing whether to file a dependency action or relative custody petition.

Have questions about complex time-share cases? Concerned about possible child abuse at the hands of a spouse? Arcaro Law Group is here to help you understand your legal rights.

Allow the hard-working and caring team at Arcaro Law Group to help you navigate family law, protect your children, and move forward with greater assurance and clarity.

Arcaro Law Group

Call Now For A Consultation
(954) 546-7280